E o singura intrebare care imi trece prin cap acum: " De unde sa incep?!". Sincer, de 2 saptamani incerc sa scriu ceva, dar nu stiu cum..mi se pare ca mai am nevoie de timp, ca sa mi deslusesc gandurile si sentimentele.
Acum, stau cu biletul de avion in mana, zambesc si imi spun "Trebuie sa scrii.". 8 Sept e data de pe el. O luna. Haha, a trecut o luna de cand am ajuns in Anglia. O luna de cand incerc sa ma obisnuiesc cu schimbarile din viata mea.
There’s just a single question that
crosses my mind at this
moment: “ Where do I begin from?”. Honestly, I’ve been trying to write
something for the blog for 2 weeks, but I still
feel like I need more time to sort out my thoughts and
feelings. I’m holding my airplane ticket and just smile as I keep telling
myself“ You have to write something.” 8 Sept is the date on it. 1 month. Haha, it’s been a month since I arrived in
England. 1 month since I’ve been trying to get used to my life’s changes.
Locuiesc in Newcastle de 3 saptamani si imi place la nebunie. Cand am ajuns aici, era 5 dimineata, n-am reusit sa vad prea multe, desi m-am plimbat pe strazi de dimineata pana seara. Eram obosita si vroiam sa-mi gasesc o casa unde sa ma simt "acasa"...ceea ce parea mai mult decat dificil. Acum, cand ma plimb pe stradutele pline de energie, cand vad oameni grabiti, care se indreapta spre locurile care ii asteapta, ma simt
inspirata si multumita.
I’ve been living in Newcastle for 3 weeks and I absolutely love it. When
I first got here, it was around 5 am so I wasn’t
able to see much, although I
walked the streets until the evening. I was so tired and the only thing I wanted to do was to find a
place to live that felt like “home” which
seemed to be quite impossible. These days, when I walk on the streets full of
energy, when I see all these people rushing
towards places that await them I feel inspired and
Pentru prima oara, in cei multi ani in care am avut parte de invatamant, merg la scoala cu placere si plina de entuziasm. Abia astept urmatorul proiect, urmatorul seminar, urmatoarea provocare. In unele zile, ma simt atat de recunoscatoare, incat incep sa compar diverse aspecte din viata mea, cu cele din filme. Incepand de la colegii mei, profesoarele mele, vanzatoarea de supermarket, proprietarul casei in care locuiesc, toti oamenii astia, ma uimesc.
For the first time in my whole experience as
a student, I go to school satisfied and full of enthusiasm. I cannot wait for the next project, the next lecture or the next
challenge. In the past days, I felt so
grateful, that I actually started to compare some aspects of my life to some
from the movies. My classmates, my tutors, the seller from the supermarket, my
landlord, all these people amaze me.
Imi e putin dor de prietenii mei, familia mea, pentru ca oricat am incerca sa ne mintim, cercul social al fiecaruia dintre noi...se bazeaza doar pe cativa oameni care grozavi sau nu in ochii altora, stiu ei, in modul lor sa ne umple inima de bucurie si sa ne faca universul mai frumos. Oamenii aia care conteaza pentru mine..nu sunt aici, insa in fiecare seara, sunt dispusi sa impartaseasca o vorba buna cu mine si asta e magnific.
I must admit that I miss my friends and my family because,
no matter how much we try to deny it, our social circle is based on just a few people who might not
seem great in others opinion, but they have their own unique way of filling our heart with joy making our universe more beautiful. Those people that matter the most to me…aren’t here, but every evening, they are willing to share a good
word with me and that’s truly magnificent.
Partea frumoasa atunci cand iti incepi viata intr-un alt oras, e ca esti un om nou in el si totul este nou pentru tine. Asa ca in fiecare zi, descopar ceva care sa-mi surada...fie ca e un loc fain, niste prajiturele care te fac sa te intrebi daca raiul poate fi mai minunat, o inghetata delicioasa sau un om gata sa-ti dezvaluie povestea lui.
The lovely part when you start your life over in another city, is
that you can be a new person and everything seems
new to you. Hence, every day, I discover something that I like, some new
cookies that make you wonder if heaven can be even better, a delicious
ice-cream or maybe a person who wishes to reveal you his story.
Am primit o floarea-soarelui de la cel pe care il iubesc, am creat o rochie in doua zile, am inceput sa gatesc, mi-am decorat noua mea camera, am mancat taitei chinezesti, mi-am facut cativa prieteni noi, am pozat pentru o expozitie, am descoperit cel mai bun ceai de iasomie, am experimentat viata de noapte din Newcastle(o adevarata jungla urbana), am scos din ascunzatoare niste magazine vintage, m-am lasat impresionata de biblioteca de la universitate, am vizitat marea, am facut o gramada de poze simpatice si am zambit muuuuuult.
I got a sun-flower from the man I love, I created a dress
in only 2 days, I started to cook, I decorated my new room, I ate chinese
noodles, I made some new friends, I was a model for a photoshoot, I discovered
the best jasmine tea, I experienced Newcastle’s nightlife( a real urban
jungle), I found some hidden vintage stores, I got impressed by the
university’s library, I went to the seaside, I took
lots of funny pictures and I smiled a loooot.
Acum o sa las imaginile sa vorbeasca, ca de obicei, ele sunt mai sugestive decat cuvintele mele.

Haha, cred ca am reusit sa fac un rezumat al ultimei luni, voi reveni curand cu idei mai detaliate si pline de energie pozitiva.
O saptamana frumoasa,
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