Cand am intrat in Attica, mi-am zis "wow!" si nu doar pentru ca o auzeam pe Amy Winehouse pe fundal, ci pentru ca locul asta e ca o expozitie. Da, o expozitie de lucruri frumoase, care parca iti prezinta un stil de viata pe care nu poti decat sa-ti doresti sa-l imbratisezi.
When I walked into
Attica, all I could think was “Wow!”, not only because Amy Winehouse was
playing in the background, but also because the place is like an exhibition.
That’s right, an exhibition of beautiful things which, seemingly, show you a
lifestyle that you’re eager to follow.
Attica este un magazin vintage, ascuns pe o straduta ingusta din Newcastle, care se adreseaza unui public cunoscator. Totusi, chiar daca ai intrat din greseala, te directioneaza imediat inspre ceea ce iti doresti. Hainele sunt impartite in functie de perioada din care sunt sau de curentul din care fac parte. Accesoriile sunt aranjate haotic, insa te duc cu gandul la photoshooting-urile din revistele Vogue de altadata.
Attica is a vintage
store, tucked away on a narrow street in Newcastle and is addressed to the
connoisseurs. Still, if you come in by accident, the
store has a way of showing you exactly what you want. The clothes are divided
into sections based on their “age” and fashion trend, the accessories are an
orderly mess, reminding you of old school Vogue photoshoots.
Nu stiu cum a trecut timpul, insa mi-a luat ceva sa mi plimbi ochii peste tot. Cel mai mult mi-a placut mansarda, unde erau expuse cateva piese de mobilier foarte dragute, cateva decoratiuni, cabinele de proba care erau personalizate creativ cu imagini de moda decupate din revista, selectate cu grija si rabdare.
I don’t know
how the time passed so quickly, but it took me a while to take all of it in.
The attic was my favourite. There, a few pieces of furniture were exposed, along
with some decorations and the dressing rooms, craftily styled with patiently
selected cut out fashion pictures from all sorts of magazines.
Ah, si daca nu as avea buget de student, cu siguranta as fi plecat de aici cu: aceste 2 tablouri, o oglinda ovala cu margine din lemn impletit, o rochie din matase verde smarald, o salopeta roz cu umeri bufanti, vreo 3 palarii si o genta cu imprimeu floral.
Oh, and if I
didn’t have a student budget, I would have definitely walked out with : these 2
paintings, an oval shaped mirror with a woven wood frame, an emerald green silk
dress, a pink jumpsuit with puffed shoulders, close to 3 hats and a floral
Si totusi, desi preturile sunt rezonabile, incerc sa ma obisnuiesc sa-mi limitez cheltuielie asa ca am reusit sa ma conving sa plec doar cu o impresie buna si cu dorinta de a ma intoarce curand in acest loc magnific.
And although the
prices are affordable, I’m desperately trying to hold back from my spending
ways, so I willed myself to just walk out with a great impression and the
desire to come back to this magnificent place.
Ai idee unde gasim la noi ceva similar/ Vrem sa-l adaugam si pe Magazine haine online.
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