Thursday 12 January 2012

1st Stop* Revolver - Colchester


As usual, I come back from vacation with quite a few stories to share. My Christmas present came the morning of December 26th … while I was boarding my flight to London.

It sounds delightful and it really was. Those 11 days in England were full of relaxation, long walks, cheery smiles, kind people and yummy jelly beans, haha.
Most of my time was spent in Colchester, a very chic and full of personality town, near London. Aside from the well known shops full of sale signs, I found a few that stood out amongst the others, thanks to their welcoming vibe.
Therefore, Revolver was my first discovery, the first place that made my eyes playfully sparkle as I was browsing the colorful shelves stacked with history of fashion books and vinyls of legendary bands.

Intorcandu-ma din ceva povestioare de impartasit, ca de obicei.
Cadoul meu de la Mos Craciun, a venit in dimineata de 26 Dec, cand m-am imbarcat pentru zborul spre Londra.

Suna incantator, si chiar asa a si fost. Cele 11 zile in fost pline de relaxare, plimbari prelungite, zambete pline de voiosie, oameni amabili...haha, si jeleuri delicioase.

Majoritatea timpului l-am petrecut in Colchester, un orasel din apropierea Londrei, foarte cochet si plin de personalitate.Dincolo de magazinele tipice, pline de reduceri, am gasit si cateva care se evidentiau printr-un aer diferit si o atmosfera calduroasa.

Astfel, Revolver a fost prima descoperire, primul loc in care ochii mi-au sclipit jucaus, ratacind printre rafturi colorate, carti cu istoria modei si viniluri ale unor trupelor consacrate.

What I liked most was the attic, which succeeded to convey a warm feeling, being partially lit by some installation. In a faraway corner of the shop, there was a desk oozing personal space and personality, thus reminding me of my very own. It was like the whole place pushed you to take a seat, open your journal and start scribbling nostalgically.
Ceea ce mi-a placut foarte mult, a fost mansarda, care reusea sa confere o atmosfera foarte calduroasa, fiind slab lumina de o instalatie. Intr-o parte mai retrasa a magazinului, se gasea un birou aranjat intr-o maniera foarte personala, ce-mi amintea de cel din camera mea. Intreg spatiul parca te ruga sa iei loc pe scaun, sa-ti deschizi jurnalul si sa te pui pe scris, nostalgic.

My second stop will be soon introduced to you.

In curand va voi face cunostinta cu urmatoarea oprire.



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