Cercetand blogul unei persoane foarte interesante, peste care am dat intamplator prin Bruxelles, am ajuns pe niste bloguri de-a dreptul fascinante. Recunosc, nu sunt o persoana foarte rabdatoare, dar o data ce imi este atrasa atentia, dezvolt o curiozitate foarte greu de stapanit.
While examining the blog of a very interesting person, whom I accidentally met in Bruxelles, I stumbled upon some pretty terrific blogs. I must admit, I’m not a very patient person and once you get me started, there’s no stopping me. My curiosity takes over.
Asa s-a intamplat si cu pozele lui Lise Sarfati. Aceasta este un fotograf francez, ce a crescut in Nise, apoi a locuit o perioada in Rusia, iar in cele din urma s-a stabilit in Statele Unite. A ales SUA, deoarece este atrasa de marimea sa, fiind de parere ca: "Space is a condition to realize ourselves.”.
This is exactly what happened with Lise Sarfati’s pictures. She is a French photographer , who grew up in Nice, then relocated for a short period in Russia, only to take final residence in The U.S. She chose The States due to the size, believing “Space is a condition to realize ourselves.”.

In pozele Lisei, descoperim oameni simpli, care locuiesc in orase mici, unde normalitatea pluteste in aer, unde ritmul vietii este unul mai incet. Fotograful are o pasiune pentru proiectele cu adolescenti si femei, fiind de parere ca adolescenta este singura perioada adevarata a vietii. Majoritatea prezentelor din poze, sunt feminine, persoane care par sa reflecteze asupra vietii, asupra a ceea ce sunt, asupra propriei identitati si incertitudini.
Through Lise’s photographs, we discover simple people from small towns, where ordinary is the word of the day, where everything is in rather slow motion. The photographer shows an interest in projects with and about teenagers and women, considering the teen years to be the only true period of life. Most of her photos portray feminine presences, who seem to ponder on life itself, on themselves, on their identity and uncertainty of the moment.

Sarfati prezinta personalitatea ca o entitate schimbatoare, de ca si cum poti sa-ti schimb dispozitia, ceea ce crezi tu si ceea ce cred cei din jur cred ca esti, asa cum ti-ai schimba hainele. Sincera sa fiu, imi place aceasta perspectiva asupra personalitatii omenesti, imi place ideea schimbarii, ideea unui nou inceput, in orice moment.
Sarfati presents personality as an ever-changing entity, believing you could change your mood, your personal opinion and the opinion of others about you, as easily as changing your clothes. To be honest, I like this perspective on human personality, the idea of change and a fresh start at any given time appeals to me.

Lisa este un fotograf discret, fara a-si deranja subiectul, care de cele mai multe ori apare ca fiind in mediul sau cel mai confortabil, dand libertate si o usoara neutralitate fotografiei.
Lise is a discrete photographer, she does not bother her subject, who, most times is in his comfort zone, this way conveying exactly those emotions, of liberty and comfort, in the photograph itself.

Daca vreti sa aflati mai multe informatii despre proiectele intrigante ale Lisei Sarfati, puteti privi acest interviu:
Want to know more about Lise Sarfati’s intriguing projects? Then do so by watching the next interview :
“I am interested in marginality, in immaturity, in naïveté, in illusion, in fictions, in transitions, in the fact that at a certain moment in life there is no limit. I would like my photography to pose a question rather than make a precise statement.” - Lisa Sarfati
Pe curand,
inspiring! that's a great find.